Saturday, June 1, 2013

So Much Encouragement

I just have to say I am overwhelmed by all the encouraging words I have received.  God is using those close to me and those I just met to point me to Him.  Many people are praying and I know it and THANK YOU!                                                                           One of my greatest source of encouragement this week came from my Uncle. We don't talk much, but when we do I always hang up with fuller heart.  He and my Aunt had read my previous posts and called me.  I thought he was calling me to catch up on live and stuff, but it was so much more.  He spoke the word of God into my life regarding this journey.  When I would share a concern or worry with him, he would lift my spirits.                                                                                                                   ~                                                                                            On top of that I have gleaned something from each person who God places in my path for exhortation and encouragement. 
Although God had ALWAYS provided for our every need in our times of need (and some times  He provided some wants too!), I tend to still have times of worry and anxiety when I sit down to write the bills and see the money going away.   A dear sweet friend suggested that maybe God lead us through the financial trial at CBS to prepare us for this time in our life's.  

There is a note we received anonymously a couple years ago that hangs on our fridge that reads. "I will provide for you! ~God  And He has... every time.    

Thank you all for allowing God you use you in my life to encourage and lift me up just when i need it.  
Praise be to God   

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