Thursday, June 13, 2013

Missed Calls

Missed calls.  They can leave wondering.   Australia seemed like the only open door.  Out of all the resumes Chris has sent out, they were the only one reaching out.  Until today....?  Maybe...?

Chris missed a call from the Missouri area code today. This is probably the seminary in Kansas City that he applied for at the same time as City on a Hill (Australia).  They haven't attempted a call back...yet.  
I asked Chris "What if it is the seminary calling..."  He said..."I'd be confused"  
:)  We shall see... Prayerfully waiting .... and waiting....Praising Him in the hallway. 

Monday, June 10, 2013


  • Here I Raise My Ebenezer, Hither By Thy Help I come  

1 Samuel 7:12

Afterward, Samuel took a stone and set it upright between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer,explaining, “The Lord has helped us to this point.”

This was the verse shared in church yesterday.  I was reminded of when Chris graduated from seminary and we gave our family a members a framed stone with the word Ebenezer on it along with this verse.  It was a symbol of our gratitude for allowing God to use them to help us through that stage of life.

As I look back, I can see God's hand helping and leading us all along the way.  So through the sermon yesterday I was encouraged and reminded once again of His unfailing faithfulness and love for me.
Update:  Chris got another correspondence with City on a Hill yesterday.  Sounds like they will have a more definitive answer for us in the next week or so.  At which point they will make Chris possible offer.  If he accepts that offer, they will fly him down there to spend a week with him, getting to know him in person, at which point, if they want to continue to move forward would make him a more firm offer.

I think in the back of my mind I have been waiting for this to all fall through and continue his job search in the states.  But the reality that Au is a very real possibility is really starting to sink in.

Thank you all for your faithful prayers and encouragement.  They are so appreciated and coveted.
Keep them coming.  

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Road Trip!!

Chris received his 3rd response from City on a Hill (the Australia church) yesterday.  They have a questionnaire they want him to fill out as the next step in the process.  Along with that questionnaire, he will be inquiring on some details about the job that is important in our decision.  

In the meantime.... 

Since doors keep opening Down Unda.... We have been living and planning as if we are truly moving to Australia.  Packing boxes, purging, talking to Levi about it to prepare him.  

So, the other day at lunch I expressed a desire to see my Kentucky family.  They have never met my boys and if we are going to move to the other side of the world, it would be nice.  My sweet mother in law suggested that I make a side trip over there before I head to Florida.  What a great idea!!  So I mentioned it to my mom and WE ARE GOING. 

My mom is flying up here and then we are heading to Louisville!  I can't wait to see family and friends I haven't seen in ages. Not to mention meet new ones I've only got the privilege to meet on Facebook.  

So, I told me mom we would be like Thelma and Louise with 2 kids (minus the killing men, and driving off cliff...basically just the road trip part.  lol)  
I plan to take LOTS of pictures.  

Stay Tuned.


Saturday, June 1, 2013

So Much Encouragement

I just have to say I am overwhelmed by all the encouraging words I have received.  God is using those close to me and those I just met to point me to Him.  Many people are praying and I know it and THANK YOU!                                                                           One of my greatest source of encouragement this week came from my Uncle. We don't talk much, but when we do I always hang up with fuller heart.  He and my Aunt had read my previous posts and called me.  I thought he was calling me to catch up on live and stuff, but it was so much more.  He spoke the word of God into my life regarding this journey.  When I would share a concern or worry with him, he would lift my spirits.                                                                                                                   ~                                                                                            On top of that I have gleaned something from each person who God places in my path for exhortation and encouragement. 
Although God had ALWAYS provided for our every need in our times of need (and some times  He provided some wants too!), I tend to still have times of worry and anxiety when I sit down to write the bills and see the money going away.   A dear sweet friend suggested that maybe God lead us through the financial trial at CBS to prepare us for this time in our life's.  

There is a note we received anonymously a couple years ago that hangs on our fridge that reads. "I will provide for you! ~God  And He has... every time.    

Thank you all for allowing God you use you in my life to encourage and lift me up just when i need it.  
Praise be to God