Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Never Once

This has become my life theme song as of late.  HE has never let us walk alone... NEVER ONCE.

Tonight the whole family got to Skype with  AU.  It was great to finally meet them and have a personal connection, instead of only messages through Chris.  :)  But Still moving forward with them.

In the states, Chris has been recently corresponding with a Chinese Church in TX about a pastorate of an English Congregation.

Thats it for now... short and sweet and God is good.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

So this is what peace feels like.

Not much has changed as far as Australia or Chris's job search.  City on a Hill is still working out the details of Chris's visa application and paperwork... moving forward; and he is still submitting resumes here and there around this country. :)  

But this is what God is doing in me...

God seems to move when you least expect it.  So. I have a friend who sends a daily verse out via text message.  So I don't always read them on that day, so one morning I was just going through and reading and deleting them.  But, when I got to two specific verses, God stirred in my soul about Australia. 
Those verse were...

Psalm 22:5
"They cried to You and were set free; they trusted in You and were not disgraced."

Psalm 31:24
"Be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord."

I wasn't praying, I wasn't having trouble... just simply reading and the Lord put a peace in my heart and a readiness to go to Australia, if that's where he sends us.  Up to this point I kept waiting for him to close that door and say, "Just Kidding"  And, like I heard in the sermon on Sunday .... "In every situation Christ is saying "Follow Me!"  It's not just a once and your done thing... The life of faith is All about the faithfulness of God!!"  

As alone, scared and worried I have been about this Australia possibility, I now feel and realize that I am not alone.    I'm reminded through Luke 22:32 & Romans 8:27 ... That Jesus prays for me.  FOR ME! 

Well that being said I will end with a few lines from a song... 

I know Who goes before me
I know Who stands behind
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side
The One who reigns forever
He is a Friend of mine
The God of angel armies
Is always by my side
Chris Tomlin - Whom Shall I Fear (God Of Angel Armies) Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

until next time....